In this blog post, we are going to talk about the second set of the different types of wallpaper symbols that you might encounter during your installation or selection process. These symbols and their explanations will help you to make better decisions about which wallpaper to buy based on which type is most convenient for your specific needs. If you would like to have professional installation services, give us a call and we will assign you with a experienced wallpaper installer or remover, whichever you need.
These symbols indicate how well wallpaper retains its color when exposed to sunlight. Products with a lower lightfastness rating should be maintained in areas with little natural light; products with a higher lightfastness rating can be used in spaces with a lot of natural light.
The lowest lightfastness rating is Moderate or Fair Light Fastness. While it is moderately light-resistant, surface colors will fade over time if exposed to direct sunlight.
Another set of symbols refers to terms pertaining to how a particular wallpaper roll should be installed. The wallpaper match type specifies how parts of the product must be put on the walls in order for the imagery or pattern to be perfect the way.
A straight match indicates that the wallpaper has the same horizontal pattern orientation as each panel. Each length of wallpaper must be put at the same height as its adjacent panels to form a pattern.
A straight match that has been halved is also known as a half-drop match. You'll need to plan out the layout of the room ahead of time and pick which strips will go where.
A drop match or offset match wallpaper symbol indicates that adjacent strips will be "dropped" or "offset" by half of the pattern's repetition measurement. For example, if a wallpaper has a 90cm pattern repeat, the next panel of wallpaper next will be 45 cm lower; a 64cm pattern repeat implies the subsequent wallpaper strip will be 32 cm lower. This is done in order to create all wallpaper patterns with a diagonal layout.
Three symbols are associated with how wallpaper is hung, and they are more concerned with the orientation of the wallpaper than the pattern or design match.
A single directional arrow is a sign for straight hanging. This refers to the direction in which the wallpaper should be put on the walls.
Similar to clothing tags with washing instructions, every wallpaper you will ever see to improve your home decor will have its specifications and properties communicated in the form of a standardized set of symbols.
While they may look complex and difficult to interpret, the majority of the information on the wallpaper is required for you to follow in order to make the wallpapering process easier.
Are you thinking about hanging wallcovering in your home? Though video may make it seem easy, there is a lot that can go wrong, and starting over can be costly. Plus, it’s a lot more work than it might look at first glance. Instead, let the pros handle the wallpaper installation in Phoenix AZ for you and make sure the job is done right. Contact the pros today to learn more about professional installation services or to schedule a time to meet and discuss the project.
Wallpaper removal can be a daunting and disheartening job. While DIY methods look promising, they can occupy a lot of time in everyone’s fast-paced and busy lives. But here is the excellent news: there are many professional and helpful services such as Wallpaper Installation Phoenix for convenience.