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Different Types of Wallpapers

Danica Du • April 13, 2022

How do you visualize your walls after you've completed your new wallpaper installation? Isn't it gorgeous? We think so, too!

Wallpaper has increased in popularity in recent years, and the trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. However, because there are so many materials and wallpaper installations or applications to consider, selecting the right one to enhance your home décor can be challenging.

This is precisely what this comprehensive guide will assist you in accomplishing. In this post, we go over all of the factors you should consider regarding different types of wallpaper installation in Phoenix.

Common Wallpaper Materials


Today, vinyl wallpaper is one of the most versatile wallcoverings, making it an excellent choice for expanded families of wallpaper types. It is simple to install and clean with a moist sponge. Vinyl wallpaper is made of PVC and is incredibly durable, ideal for installing in children's rooms, baths, and even kitchens.

Vinyl wallpaper is suitable for home use and is also ideal for commercial use. Many commercial vinyl wallcoverings have a Class A fire rating to make your building code compliant while also making it more attractive. 

Furthermore, certain heavy-weight industrial wallcoverings are impact and stain-resistant, making them excellent for high-traffic areas.


Wallpapers printed on paper are not as common as in previous years but are still present in the marketplace. 

Paper wallpapers are environmentally beneficial and beautifully highlight plain inks and designs. However, because of the delicate nature of paper, these wallpapers have been shown to rip easily throughout the removal process.


Nothing beats wallpaper made from nature hanging on your wall. Grasscloth wallpaper is commonly produced from arrowroot, raw jute, hemp, sisal, cork, reed, and triangular grass. The grass fibers are stitched together with delicate thread and are often hand-woven in Asia, which is one of the reasons grasscloth costs more than ordinary wallpaper.

However, grasscloth is prone to damage if not handled and installed correctly, making it undesirable for high-traffic areas such as corridors. It is a long-lasting wall covering, but you must remove any excess dust from it.

Installation is also different. Grasscloth does not come pre-prepasted. To apply this starch-based material, you will need to use a specialty adhesive.


Flock wallpaper, often known as embossed wallpaper, is one of many textured materials available today. The name "flock" refers to the raw materials utilized to create it. Fibers are now comprised of polyester, nylon, or rayon mixed with an adhesive. 

When installing flock wallpaper, employ precaution. Because any adhesive on the surface could destroy the flocking, it should be mounted using the "paste the wall" method. 


Fabric, often known as textile wallpaper, is available in natural and synthetic textiles. 

The cloth panels are put on a paper or acrylic substrate to ensure durability. Because this sort of wallcovering cannot be washed, installation should be limited to areas with minimal moisture and where unclean hands will not be enticed to touch it. It will be tough to clean if it becomes discolored.

wallpapered room in phoenix, arizona for customers
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In this blog post, we are going to talk about the second set of the different types of wallpaper symbols that you might encounter during your installation or selection process. These symbols and their explanations will help you to make better decisions about which wallpaper to buy based on which type is most convenient for your specific needs. If you would like to have professional installation services, give us a call and we will assign you with a experienced wallpaper installer or remover, whichever you need.
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Wallpaper manufacturers have come a long way in terms of changing the style and material of their products to suit any design. It is much simpler to deal with, and the design options are no longer limited. There are unique wallpaper types available for a variety of applications, such as bathroom wallpapers. Various symbols written on the packaging or pages of a wallpaper roll can be found. While they might be lengthy and appear to be technical jargon, most of the information is designed to make the wallpapering process easier for you. Each of these symbols has a meaning that relates to the wallpaper product in question. Here's a brief explanation of what each wallpaper symbol means.
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